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Where we started

Bible Brain began as two small pages on Facebook: Path Treader Ministries (primarily designed for Christians) and God Squad Apologetics (primarily designed for unbelievers and heretics). As Big Tech platforms became increasingly hostile to expressions of Christian belief, the pages were not expected to last very long. This site began as effectively "plan B", merging the two pages together onto one common site. ​


Who we are

Throughout its history, various admins have been and gone, but currently, Bible Brain is owned and maintained by a single admin, who originally rolled with the alias "Carl" (now "Brian"). This alias is designed for two things: To minimise potential for ad hominem attacks by aggressive dissenters, and that Brian may decrease so the Lord may increase. There are a few details Brian will allow to be known about him, however:

  • Brian is male

  • Brian does have an education, but does not discuss what, where, or when he studied, unless of course it is pertinent to a given discussion.

  • Brian lives on Earth.

  • Brian is not quite old enough to remember WW2.

  • Brian loves animals.

  • Most importantly, Brian is a Christian.


In time, it is hoped that more admins will join Bible Brain, including a possible successor for Brian.


What our goals are

As with the original pages, the goals of this site are entirely faith oriented. Like Path Treader Ministries, we hope to edify the Church, whether it be through educating believers on the Scriptures, strengthening their faith, refuting errors, or even just sharing the occasional inspirational quote. Like God Squad Apologetics, we hope to bring unbelievers and heretics to saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, either by giving evidence for the Christian Faith, refuting false religions and philosophies, or countering arguments made against Christianity.


What is the meaning of our slogan?

In the KJV, Psalm 119:130 reads "The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple." The idea is that through the reception of the word of God, even a "simple" person can know, and even proclaim the truth. Bible Brain has always been committed to the idea that you don't need any form of worldly greatness to be great for the Kingdom of Heaven, and indeed, such worldly greatness often serves as a personal downfall. Therefore, Bible Brain contends that even the "simple" can do what we do. If you know the Scriptures, and love the Lord who gave them, you can be greater than a scholar, a pastor, a scientist, a priest, a Pope, a king, or anyone else who is "great" in this world. Thus, another goal of this site is to encourage others in the Church, if it be laid on their hearts, and motivated by a passion for God, to do the same. Build your own ministries, strengthen the brethren, bring many to the faith, honour God in all that you do.


Bible Brain and denominations

The official Bible Brain position on denominations is that there are true Christians in every denomination, but there are no Christian denominations. Denominations, in some cases, are helpful for teaching believers where personal study is either lacking or insufficient, but more often than not, tend to be unnecessarily divisive. It is the goal of Bible Brain to minimise these divisions as much as possible. Therefore, Bible Brain will never be closely associated with any denomination, and as shown in the "In House Issues" section, classifies some issues that tend to divide denominations as "non-essential", as in Christians can afford to be wrong, and should not consider error a reason for disfellowship. Denominational divisions have no place on this site, as indeed they have no place in the Church.


Translation preference

Much like the translators of the KJV, Bible Brain affirms that "the very meanest" translation of the Bible is still the word of God. Therefore, translation preferences are a "first world problem". Occasionally, where it is useful to do so, specific translations are chosen, but in general, the translation used in an article is whatever translation the author happened to be using at the time.


O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day. Thou through thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine enemies: for they are ever with me. I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation. I understand more than the ancients, because I keep thy precepts. - Psalm 119:97-100 KJV

All Bible Brain materials are considered public domain, and may be reproduced with minimal credit, though obviously use wisdom.

  • Path Treader Ministries

Path Treader Ministries

  • Bible Brain

Bible Brain

AI policy

Following the introduction of certain AI features to Wix, all new Bible Brain articles will state, in detail, if and how AI was used in the process of writing it.

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