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Tithing & charity

What is tithing?

Tithing is often misunderstood in the modern Church. It is often seen as a mandatory offering of 10% of one's income to the Lord which, if offered, results in blessing, whereas if not offered, results in some kind of curse. In truth, tithing was, in a sense, a tax upon the people of Israel. Furthermore, while there was a 10% tithe, designed to provide for the Levites, there were actually multiple tithes, which equated to roughly 23%. Income was not in view, but rather, produce. In the New Testament, giving to the Lord is very highly encouraged, but to suggest that there is some form of tithing system still in effect is biblically ignorant. Rather, God is said to "love a cheerful giver", and so we are told to give not by compulsion, but rather as we purpose in our hearts. That may be 10% of your income, if you are so inclined, but it twists scripture to suggest that 10% is a biblical figure. You may give more, you may give less, it is entirely between you and God.

What is charity?

Charity is the voluntary provision of goods and services without expectation of return or profit. Unlike business, charity focuses exclusively on the benefits of the recipient, rather than the standard mutually beneficial transactions of a business.

What is the Prosperity Gospel?

The Prosperity Gospel is a thoroughly unbiblical concept that God is fully willing that we should prosper here on the Earth, and that there are therefore ways to effectively twist His arm into prospering us. Though I initially intended to place this in the Pseudo-Christianity section, I figured it would be more effectively placed here due to its inextricable link to tithing and charity. In stark contrast to the Prosperity Gospel, however, scripture tells us that God is not overly interested in our physical wealth, and indeed, He tells us NOT to build up wealth here, but rather to do so in Heaven (Matthew 6:19-20). In this life, we may well have trials and tribulations that utterly devastate us financially. During these times, scripture tells us to be content in Christ. There are no such promises of prosperity.



Refuting the Prosperity "gospel"

All relevant articles

Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. - 2 Corinthians 9:7 KJV

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