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Practical Faith

What is practical faith?

The intent of this section is to provide advice and information about how to apply our Christian faith to every day life, and maybe even things which are not so every day. Here, you will find advice on dealing with trials and tribulations, using your wealth (or lack thereof) to glorify God, bringing God into your jobs and hobbies, and a variety of other topics.​

Key articles

Good stewardship

Being observed by the world

Loving non-Christians

Trusting God

Wise conduct

Loving the brethren

Resisting temptation

Facing trials and tribulations

All relevant articles

Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence,work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. - Philippians 2:12 KJV

All Bible Brain materials are considered public domain, and may be reproduced with minimal credit, though obviously use wisdom.

  • Path Treader Ministries

Path Treader Ministries

  • Bible Brain

Bible Brain

AI policy

Following the introduction of certain AI features to Wix, all new Bible Brain articles will state, in detail, if and how AI was used in the process of writing it.

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