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Reaching Muslims

What is Islam?

Islam is a religion based on the teachings of a man named Muhammad, who claimed to have been given revelations from Allah by the angel Gabriel. Gabriel allegedly delivered the Qur'an, the Muslim scriptures, to Muhammad. Although it is classified as an "Abrahamic" religion, just like Judaism and Christianity, and even affirms the Bible to a degree, Islam is entirely distinct from them in a number of ways, even to the extent that Muhammad, having failed to convert the Jews and Christians, eventually began speaking threats against them.

A particular difficulty in defining Islam is Qur'an 4:65, which declares that Muslims can have no faith until Muhammad is accepted as judge in their disputes, and they find no resistance to his decisions, submitting to them wholeheartedly. The most obvious interpretation of this is that those who resist Muhammad's decisions are not true Muslims, yet there is not a Muslim alive today who will (or even could) submit entirely to Muhammad. For sake of argument, Bible Brain accepts, as Muslims, anyone who believes Muhammad is the prophet of Allah, and the Qur'an is Allah's divinely revealed word to him.

A recent trend in the modern world is to attempt to unite Christians and Mulims, claiming we worship the same God. This movement, known as "Chrislam", seeks to trivialise the differences between the two faiths, and focus on the similarities. This, however, is massively problematic. The differences between the two faiths are fundamental, and thus they are irreconcilable. Key evidence of this is that if you ask a Christian if Jesus is the God they worship, they will say absolutely YES, and indeed the only way to be saved is to confess Him as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead. By contrast, if you ask a Muslim whether Jesus is the God they worship, they will respond with a resounding NO, Jesus is not God, nor did He even rise from the dead, and to suggest otherwise is the unforgivable sin: Shirk. Such an obvious fundamental clash means Christians and Muslims do not worship the same God. Therefore, Chrislam is a deadly lie.

Key Articles

Avalanche of Apostasy


The Islamic Dilemma

Bible Corruption


Qur'anic arguments for Islam

Biblical arguments against Islam

Islamic violence

Women in Islam


Miscellaneous Muslim arguments

Miscellaneous arguments against Islam

All Islam articles

And we know that the Son of God is come, and hathgiven us an understanding, that we may know himthat is true, and we are in him that is true,even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.- 1 John 5:20 KJV

All Bible Brain materials are considered public domain, and may be reproduced with minimal credit, though obviously use wisdom.

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