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Countering Criticisms

What's this page for?

Apologetics often involves not only presenting evidence for your religion, but also defending it against criticisms. Naturally, Christianity has several objections raised against it by dissenters. Sometimes, these objections come from more than just one faith, and so it is necessary to have a separate page for them. Some categories are found elsewhere on the site, as I didn't find out that Wix has a page limit until long after I had developed these pages.

External links

General responses to "there's no evidence".

Objections from sectarianism

Canonical criticisms

Translation issues

Failed prophecy claims

Objections to omnipotence

Objections to omniscience

Objections to God's character

Objections to prayer

Miscellaneous relevant articles

All relevant articles

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

- 2 Corinthians 10:5 KJV

All Bible Brain materials are considered public domain, and may be reproduced with minimal credit, though obviously use wisdom.

  • Path Treader Ministries

Path Treader Ministries

  • Bible Brain

Bible Brain

AI policy

Following the introduction of certain AI features to Wix, all new Bible Brain articles will state, in detail, if and how AI was used in the process of writing it.

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