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Theistic Evolution

This page deals with Theistic versions of Old Earth origins myths. For the atheistic versions, please visit the "Reaching Evolutionists" page.

What is Theistic Evolution?

Although many would object to this, Bible Brain uses the term "Theistic Evolution" to broadly refer to a range of Theistic compromises with Old Earth philosophies. This can mean the extreme end of that particular spectrum wherein basically everything atheists believe is true, right up to the Bible being nothing more than a primitive book by men who believed the Earth is flat, but may also refer to simple "Old Earth Creationists", who remain generally faithful to Scripture, even believing Adam and Eve were real historical figures, but are a bit iffy on things like the age of the Earth.

Although the doctrine of creation is not essential, in the sense that one's view on it must be correct for sake of salvation, it is still a very important doctrine. Thus, deviation from it, while it will not result in ultimate condemnation, is nevertheless a heresy (best defined as any doctrine which cannot be reasonably reconciled with Scripture), and is actually quite sinful. Aside from this, there are several natural consequences which follow from having an erroneous view on this issue. Many Theistic Evolutionists, if they do not flat out apostatise, demonstrate this concept by displaying those consequences in the rest of their theology. All of this means it is essential for Christians to discard the abomination that is Theistic Evolution, and return to a more traditional view, keeping in line with not only what the historical Church believed for more than 1500 years (and the Jews for far longer), but more importantly, with what the Bible says so explicitly that the only way to circumvent it is to suggest, without evidence, that Genesis 1-11 is not supposed to be interpreted literally.


Key Articles

Historical Interpretations

The nature of God

Implications of compromise

Old Earth arguments refuted

The Big Bang

The age of the Earth

Gap Theory

Adam and Eve

Flood compromise refuted

in 6 days

Creationism in theology

Other arguments against compromise

All Theistic Evolution articles

For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth,the sea, and all that in them is, and restedthe seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessedthe sabbath day, and hallowed it. - Exodus 20:11 KJV

All Bible Brain materials are considered public domain, and may be reproduced with minimal credit, though obviously use wisdom.

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