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Reaching Atheists

What is Atheism?

As Isaac Newton once said, "Atheism is so senseless and odious to mankind that it never had many professors." Because of this foul smell, many modern atheists have taken to equivocating the word "Atheism" by redefining it as simply "the lack of belief that a god exists". Historically, however, Atheism has been defined somewhere along the lines of "the belief that no gods exist". Due to the popularity of the former definition, Bible Brain acknowledges, and responds to, both definitions.


Some well-meaning Christians have taken to claiming that Atheism is a religion, however this is incorrect. It is far better to say that Atheism is a religious orientation. That is, a religion can be atheistic in nature. However, Atheists themselves have only one thing in common: They are not, or at least claim not to be Theists. Because of this, not every argument against Atheism works against all Atheists, and not every atheistic religion will be believed by all atheists. This includes Evolution, which, while it is one of the most prominent atheistic religions, is so devoid of sound reasoning that many atheists reject it.

What is Agnosticism?

The word "agnostic"​ literally means "without knowledge", and can be applied to various philosophies that comment on the knowledge of God. A standard dictionary definition would be either "One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God", or "One who is skeptical about the existence of God but does not profess true atheism."


As with atheism, modern atheists have taken to re-defining Agnosticism, dividing faith into four categories:


- Agnostic Atheist (I don't believe in God, but I don't know if I'm right).

- Agnostic Theist (I believe in God, but I don't know if I'm right).

- Gnostic Atheist (I know there is no God).

- Gnostic Theist (I know there is a God).


Bible Brain officially rejects this new definition as a blatant attempt to de-rail reasonable discussion. It's almost always used by the same people who made it up in the first place: "Gnostic Atheists". While I'm sure exceptions do exist, I do not remember meeting any. Thus, it is obviously an attempt, and unfortunately an effective one, to prolong religious discussions, and distract from the frailty of the "Gnostic atheist" position. Bible Brain, therefore, will only use, and respond to, the more traditional definitions, as can be seen above, and were copied and pasted from Wordnik in September 2023.

What is Relativism?

Relativism is, by far, the most absurd philosophy on the planet. It posits that all truth is relative, being based entirely on what the believer believes. What's true for one person is true for that one person, but it is seen as absurd, and even offensive, to believe those truths apply to anyone else. This self-refuting denial of reality is inherently atheistic, as it denies the existence of God outside the minds of those who believe in Him, and effectively make the believer a "god" of sorts.

Some articles relevant to atheism can also be found on other sections throughout this site.


Atheistic Religions

Key articles

Implications of atheism

Atheism and the burden of proof

Is faith rational?

Moral folly

Atheism and Hitler

Atheist use of language

Objections from sectarianism

People of interest

Responding to atheist memes

Silly atheist slogans and cliches

Correcting straw man arguments

Genetic fallacies

Atheistic hypocrisy

Sloppy atheist thinking



Miscellaneous atheism articles

All atheism articles

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: - Romans 1:20 KJV

All Bible Brain materials are considered public domain, and may be reproduced with minimal credit, though obviously use wisdom.

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