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What is Apologetics?

Apologetics comes from the Greek word "apologia", and effectively means "to give a reasoned defence". In Christianity, apologetics is the practice of presenting and defending the Christian faith, be it to strengthen the faith of those who currently believe, or to convince those who do not yet believe of why they should. According to Scripture, all Christians should be apologists to some degree, always being ready to explain the hope we have in Christ, casting down arguments, and every lofty opinion that sets itself against the knowledge of God. Furthermore, Scripture tells us that we are to do this peacefully, not using worldly weapons, but spiritual ones, for our enemy is spiritual. We aren't trying to dominate our human opponents, but save them from the spiritual forces that hold them captive to their own sin.

Although Bible Brain is both intended, and designed, to bring the Gospel to all people of all faiths, it is, of course, limited to the knowledge and resources of its writers. As a result, there are many religions that are currently not addressed on this ministry. This includes, but is not limited to:

∙ Hinduism
∙ Sikhism
∙ Zorastrianism
∙ Buddhism

Over time, it is hoped that these religions will be studied and included on the site, but until sufficient research has been done, this will not happen. If you have a question that you do not see addressed on the site, you are welcome to write in and ask.

Apologetics topics


Special apologetics series

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
- 2 Corinthians 10:5 KJV

All Bible Brain materials are considered public domain, and may be reproduced with minimal credit, though obviously use wisdom.

  • Path Treader Ministries

Path Treader Ministries

  • Bible Brain

Bible Brain

AI policy

Following the introduction of certain AI features to Wix, all new Bible Brain articles will state, in detail, if and how AI was used in the process of writing it.

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