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Statement of Faith

A basic summary of the positions held by Bible Brain


The Essentials

The following statements must be believed by all Christians, and failure to believe this makes one automatically not a Christian.


  • There exists ONE God, who exists in three coequal and coeternal persons, these being the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

  • The Son humbled Himself, being made flesh, and born as a helpless baby boy, to a young virgin woman.

  • All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

  • The Son lived a life without sin.

  • The Son was crucified, bearing the punishment for the sins of the whole world.

  • The Son was raised to life again, bodily, on the third day.

  • Salvation is received through faith in the Son, not of works.

  • Salvation is available through the Son, and only the Son.


Slightly less essentials

It is very important for all Christians to agree on the following, but it is possible to deviate slightly without being excluded from the faith.


  • The scriptures are the sole and sufficient authority on all things Christian, for they alone are the infallible words of God on Earth. Other sources may be helpful, and even somewhat authoritative, but are not infallible, and are ultimately subject to scripture.

  • The scriptures are perspicuous, capable of being understood through faithful and duly diligent study. While some passages are difficult to understand, the general rule is the more important a thing is for the faithful to believe, the more plainly scripture will state it.

  • There are true Christians in every denomination, but there are no true Christian denominations. 

  • Baptism should be sought at the earliest opportunity. It is a sin not to get baptised, but it is not a sin that costs salvation. It is, however, a grievous offense to God that should be rectified as soon as possible.

  • Baptism should be offered only to believers. Those who do not believe, or are incapable of belief (i.e. infants) should not be "baptised".

  • Eternal Security: Salvation cannot be lost.

  • Good works can neither earn nor maintain salvation, but they are the natural result of having received it, and are essential to the faith.

  • Genesis 1-11 are as true as the rest of scripture, rendering Theistic Evolution and Old Earth Creationism completely incompatible with the faith.

  • Marriage is between one man and one woman for life. Sexual behaviour beyond this relationship is sin.

  • God is sovereign over all things, including the progression of history.
  • Calvinism and Arminianism are imperfect understandings of the perfect truth. The sovereignty of God and responsibility of man in salvation are not in conflict: BOTH are described plainly in scripture, and we do ourselves a major disservice by overemphasising one or the other. Thus, these two camps can be said to be oversimplifying a complex issue.
  • Life begins at conception, and to take that life at any point following this point, without justification, is evil.
  • Science and religion are as opposed as the thumb and the other four fingers: When they are healthy and working together, we can grasp many things.
  • All believers are priests, having direct access to God through our High Priest, Jesus Christ the Son. We need no further mediators.
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