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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

Christianity's great paradox

Christianity is the ultimate paradox. On the one hand, it teaches that perfection is absolutely necessary for fellowship with God. To sin even once is to make yourself God's enemy, irrevocably. On the other hand, it seems that when we sin, God only pursues us more.

This is one of the most amazing things about God. His mercy is unfathomable. Even those whom He knows will never repent, He gives the chance to repent by sparing their lives, if only for a time. A sinner may live for 80 years, maybe even longer, before God finally gives up and allows them to perish.

It is often the case that those with the most sin have the most love for Jesus. This is because they have been forgiven the most. Jesus attracts sinners from miles around, because who needs a doctor but the sick?

The truth is, we're all sick. If we think we are righteous, we are kidding ourselves, for what little righteousness we have comes from the God in whom we have faith. It is foolishness to be puffed up against each other. Are we really more deserving of God than those we look down on? Are we really less deserving of God than those we look up to? Fact: If you acknowledge your need of God, you are exactly the kind of person He is looking for, and exactly the kind of person He responds to.

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