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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

Don't try to put God in your boxes

A mistake we all make, even as Christians, is to assume God is subject to our understanding. But should it not be unfathomable that God, who created the things we don't understand, should fit into our little boxes?

How much is left for us to explore? There are still new lands to map out, new species to discover, we know less about the ocean than about outer space, and let's be honest, we know next to nothing about that either. There are so many stars, we can't even count them all, to the extent where there are companies out there that actually allow you to name a star for less than your weekly shopping budget. But God? He knows them all by name. Not just by name, He actually upholds them. He knows every nanometer of this universe better than you know the back of your hand. How can you possibly think you can understand this God?

But we very often do. We have a tendency to picture God as being in our image rather than letting Him mould us into His. Where is the logic? His thoughts may be higher than our thoughts, but one thought we ought to share with Him is that He is far beyond us in every conceivable way. His knowledge supersedes our knowledge. His wisdom supersedes our wisdom. His commands supersede our desire, or lack thereof, to obey them.

This cuts two ways. On the one hand, it's scary that such a being exists. He has the power to build us up, but also to throw us down. He can bring us to Heaven, He can cast us into Hell. He may give us the desires of our hearts, but He has no obligations to respect our will. But all of these things, while they are terrifying, should also give us comfort, because while we know He has all this power, we also know how He tends to use it. One of His greatest attributes? Love. Love for Himself, and love for man.

The Holy Trinity is a perfect fellowship. Before this world was, God is. A perfect, eternal fellowship. There was no need for wrath when all that existed was God, and so we know that wrath is not a trait of God, but love is, because that's all He's ever had. Wrath, rather than being a natural trait of God, is the result of that which refuses to conform to His love. And because love is a trait of God, but wrath is not, God desires love before wrath.

And so beyond all imagination, what did God do for us, who were children of wrath by nature? He refused to levy it upon us, instead making us alive though we were dead in our sins. How? By levying the wrath we deserve upon His own Son! Jesus, completely without sin, became sin on our behalf. And this is one of many things we simply cannot imagine. How many of us will willingly suffer on behalf of our enemies for the crimes they commit against us? Should it not, therefore, give us great joy to accept the things we do not understand about God? Let us humble ourselves, not trying to put God into our box, but instead seeking to conform ourselves to Him, walking by faith, and not by sight.

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