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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

Faith is true beauty

Of all the world's greatest tragedies, few make me sadder than a girl who has been convinced she is ugly. "I'm too fat", "my nose is the wrong shape", I've even heard "my hair is the wrong colour". As if, somehow, if you're not blonde, you're not good enough.

Now, for a moment, I want to set aside physical beauty. In truth, yes, it is a nice thing to have. The Bible even suggests that, sometimes, God makes women beautiful as a blessing (e.g. Job 42:15). But the Bible also warns us about putting beauty in the wrong place. My brethren, did you know that Jesus was not beautiful? In Isaiah 53:2, we are told that "He has no form or comeliness; And when we see Him, There is no beauty that we should desire Him." And let's not even begin to discuss how He looked on the cross, when He did the most wonderful thing anyone could ever do. And this, my brethren, is why we are told "Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment." (John 7:24).

See, the truth is, while beauty is a wonderful gift, it is also effectively worthless. It says nothing about the quality of the person. Sometimes, the "ugliest" of people have the most beautiful hearts. By contrast, some of the most beautiful people can be by far the cruellest. And so weigh up your options: Which would you prefer to be? Ugly and kind, or beautiful and toxic? For this reason, Solomon tells us that charm is deceptive. Sometimes, it's naturally easier to trust people who look good just because they look good. In truth? They're just beautifully dressed snakes.

And Solomon doesn't just leave us with the idea that charm is deceptive. He continues to tell us that beauty is fleeting. In other words, even if you are extremely beautiful, a time will come when you won't be. When you've had your makeup professionally done, you might be able to turn heads, but what will your husband see when he wakes up next to you in the morning? You may have a smile that can raise a heartbeat, but let's be honest, none of us are pretty when we cry. Your figure may be perfect when you're young and fit, but what about when you've had children? And no amount of wrinkle cream can stop ageing forever. Girls, no matter what you look like now, you might get fat, your skin will start to wrinkle, your hair will go grey and may even fall out. You're not going to be beautiful your whole life, and so anyone who judges you by it will inevitably see you as less valuable over time.

But sisters, thank God, for that is not how He judges you. Solomon continues: "But a woman who fears the Lord will be praised". Sisters, where do you stand with God? It shouldn't be in front of a mirror lamenting the fact you don't look like other girls. It should be in front of God as the mirror, trying your absolute best to look like Him. Listen to and obey His commands. Seek His Kingdom. Absorb His wisdom. Girls, God will never judge you by the appearance He puts more work into than you do. What He will judge you by isn't something that will deteriorate as you age, but something that ought only to grow: Your love for Him. Thus, anyone who sees you as less worthy for your looks is actually not worthy of you. If you have beauty, cherish it as a gift while it lasts. If you don't, be blessed all the same, for you have something far greater, and you are by no means inferior to those who do. You are far more beautiful in faith than you could possibly be in flesh. Set aside envy. Set aside vanity. Set aside insecurity. Set aside arrogance. Pay no mind to any demon who tells you to value what the world values, for you need only look at the chaos it thrives on to know it doesn't have its priorities straight. But in your Father's eyes, you are a precious jewel, a fine addition to His Kingdom, a Princess destined to reign with Him eternally. Truly you are beautiful, and growing more so by the day. God bless you, my sisters.

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