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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

"Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinner"

Do you ever feel completely unworthy of God's love? Have you ever been at the point where, even if God Himself came to you, you would ask Him to depart from you because you're just too sinful? I have good news, and I have bad news.

The bad news, as you already know, is that you are 100% correct. You're not worthy of God. He's Holy, you're sinful. Log, meet fire. But the good news is that He isn't actually willing to be the fire that burns the log. Rather, He wants to be the fire that refines the silver!

When Peter saw the power of Christ to control the fish, one might think he would be thrilled. He's been working all night and caught nothing, yet now, with Jesus' help, he's caught two boatloads of fish. But rather than rejoicing, he and his companions tremble and bow. "Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinner!" But Jesus looks at Peter with complete love and mercy. He doesn't say "you're right, you are a sinner" and leave. He doesn't even say "I'll give you a second chance. Come to me in a year and we'll see if you're any better." No, Jesus straight up tells Peter "Do not be afraid. From now on, you will be a fisher of men."

This is extremely powerful. Though we are anything but worthy of God, Jesus makes us worthy. This isn't even the greatest example. Peter, in his cowardice, disowns Jesus, and when Jesus comes back from the dead, he restores Peter three times! Jesus isn't a wrathful God. He isn't vindictive against us. He wants to restore us, as if we'd never sinned. So if you ever feel unworthy for God, good, because that is exactly what He's looking for! He's looking for people humble enough to admit they are not worthy, and these are the people He will make worthy for Him. And these are the people who, much like Peter, will do so much more.

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