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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

God's great love makes us all alive

There are two extremes in our world. The first is narcissism. Narcissists are so self obsessed, they are surprised anyone on earth might not love them. On the flip side, there are those who feel so unlovable they just don't think anyone could ever love them.

But here's a beautiful truth: God's love knows no boundaries. Paul describes His love as "great", before he goes on to explain what this lead to. Even though we were dead in our trespasses, God made us alive with the Messiah.

This should both humble us and encourage us. The narcissist should know that God doesn't play favourites. In your sin, you are worthless. A dead man walking. That you are not in Hell is nothing short of God's grace. To those who feel unlovable, there is bad news, and there is good news. The bad news is that, just like the narcissist, you are also a sinner, deserving of wrath. The good news? God is bigger than that. It doesn't depend on you, but on Him. He loves you, whether you feel worthy of it or not, and whether you actually are worthy of it or not. Christ, not you, made the relationship between God and man possible. That is a beautiful thing.

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