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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

He died, He rose, He's coming back

He is risen... as He said. As. He. Said. The crucifixion didn't take Jesus by surprise. He knew it was coming, He said it was coming, and He said so explicitly that He would rise that His enemies actually placed guards at the tomb to stop the disciples stealing the body to claim He had risen. Well, my brethren, those guards were unnecessary, as the disciples weren't going to steal the body, and they were futile, because frankly, what was going to happen next was far above their capabilities. The entire army of Hell could not have stopped Jesus from walking out of that tomb, fully alive, as our victorious King.

He is risen, as He said. Know what else He said? He's coming back. He's coming back, and if you're not going to be alive when that happens, He's bringing us to meet Him in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). He is risen, just as He said, and He will raise us, just as He said. May the Lord bless you from now until eternity passes.

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