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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

He stood convicted

There is a huge discrepancy between what Christianity actually teaches and what the world as a whole believes Christianity teaches. A lot of people look at Christians and see us as hypocrites. Why? Because we preach a moral standard, which allegedly makes us judgemental, and because we fail to live up to that moral standard (the Bible), which contains some very complex laws. We supposedly think we're better than everyone else because we uphold the parts of the Bible we like, and yet it is also said we are hypocrites because we don't uphold the entire Bible.

Now, we can get into the whole moral vs. covenantal law some other time. Today, I just want to present the Gospel outright. The entire Bible comes down to this: no one is perfect. Not Christians, not unbelievers, there is only one human being in the history of the earth who lived a perfect life. When a Christian talks about sin, they know full well they aren't free of it. We've all done things wrong. I have done things wrong, you have done things wrong. That's not judgemental, that's honest. Think of it this way: Hitler could still say murder is evil even though he was, himself, a murderer. It would just mean that in order to condemn a murderer, he would also have to condemn himself.

And that's where the flip side of this comes. When a Christian preaches against sin, he is condemning himself. Even if he has not committed the specific sin he is preaching against, he has still sinned. But Christians aren't preaching condemnation, we are preaching salvation. This is because we believe that although we deserve punishment, there is an alternative. Jesus did not deserve punishment, and yet He was punished by God, not for His own sins, but for ours.

When Christians preach "you deserve to go to Hell", the correct response is not "so do you". Why? Because it's true, we do. Think of it as being in a sinking ship. "Get to the life boat or you'll drown!" "Yeah, so will you!" Well yes, of course I'll drown if I don't get to the life boat. But I am in the life boat. I'm not telling you you'll drown because I think I can breathe under water, I'm telling you you'll drown because I don't want you to drown. Similarly, I'm not telling you Hell exists because I think there are more than 30 seconds in my life where I haven't done something offensive to God. I'm telling you because I don't want you to go to Hell.

And I don't. I don't want you to go to Hell, I don't want to go to Hell myself, but we do deserve it. So what's the solution? Well, as I said, Jesus was crucified, taking the full wrath of God on our behalf. We can now stand before God as if we were perfect, like Jesus, because Jesus, though being perfect, stood before God as if He was a sinner like us. Effectively, we have swapped verdicts. Jesus was declared guilty even though He was innocent, and so we can be declared innocent even though we are guilty. It's not about being judgemental, it's not about being hypocritical, it's not about being bigots, it's not about being self righteous, it's all about Jesus' righteous being imputed to us as an act of grace from God, given to us as a gift, that is received only through faith.

If I, as a Christian, get what I deserve, I will never see Heaven. The only difference between me, as a Christian, and an unbeliever, is that I have accepted the gift of grace offered to me. It's all about God.

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