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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

Joy persists with the God who brings it

In a stressful situation, I often hear my friends say things like "I don't know how atheists deal with stuff like this". There is a certain power God gives the Christian. Joy persists in all situations, whether good, bad, or awful.

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the Apostles were able to endure great trials, knowing full well they had a purpose and an end. They endured persecution, and rather than sobbing about it, they actually rejoiced when they were beaten because they had been counted worthy. At the end of his life, Paul looked back on his life as a race he was about to finish, and there was a prize to be won here. A reward so great, our present sufferings are not worthy to be compared to it.

This should give us great joy. The Holy Spirit, of whom we are certainly not worthy, resides in our hearts and testifies of a glorious truth: We are citizens of God's eternal kingdom. We have a future greater than anything we could ever picture on earth, as opposed to the punishment we deserve. With such a great God, how could we not rejoice? As you go through your day, whether it's a great day where everything goes your way, or a bad day where the very ground seems to be against you, rejoice.

Recommended song: As You Go - Sovereign Grace

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