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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

Lessons from the chief of sinners

As "Pride month" draws to a close, one thing we, as Christians, need to be mindful of is that pride is not just a problem of the Radical Left. Although they tend to express their pride in their unnatural sexual desires, pride was never just about sex. Rather, it is about self-elevation. It is a feeling of greatness, whether over God, or our fellow man. And because of this, we can so easily fall for it as Christians.

It is absolutely vital for those in the Church to remember our roots. The difference between us and the unbeliever is negligible. It is not a matter of race, for God made all nations from one blood (Acts 17:26). It is not a matter of past behaviour, for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). It is not even a matter of present perfection, for if we say we have no sin, we are self deceived, and the truth is not in us (1 John 1:8-10). No, the only thing that separates us from the unbelievers is Christ.

Through our faith in Christ, we are forgiven for all sins. He can save even the chief of sinners; an insolent blasphemer who persecuted the Church! Our brother, Paul, did not begin his journey as a follower of Christ. He did not walk with Him. He did not eat with Him. He may even have been within the crowd shouting "crucify!" When he finally met the Lord face to face, he was on his way to kill yet more of our brethren. Yet, today, he rejoices with those very brethren, waiting for us to join them at Christ's side.

What a sorry state of affairs it is, therefore, when we judge each other. In the eyes of some Christians, anyone who has so much as a tattoo stands condemned. If a woman has had an abortion, many in the Church cannot forgive her. But why? Is it their place to judge her? If she has repented, she is not condemned. And woe betide the false teacher, Steven Anderson, who is so aggressive in his stance that there is no salvation for the LGBT community that an ex lesbian I once knew feared for her eternal soul just because of his teachings.

If our faith came to us by the hands of a murderer, we, as Christians, have no excuse for insatiable wrath. We ought to forgive, as Christ forgives us, knowing that none of us deserve forgiveness. That is the point of forgiveness! If it was deserved, it wouldn't be forgiveness, it would be a repaid debt. In reality, the wages we earned is death, but our debt was paid, and our inheritance bought for us, by the blood of Jesus Christ. If you believe that, you have no business judging other Christians. And if you don't believe that, why call yourself Christian? Let us repent of all pride, for no man can boast before God.

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