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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

Muhammad's view of women refutes his prophethood

For a man who claimed to speak in the name of the God who revealed the Bible (Qur'an 3:55; 61:14; 5:47; 5:50; 5:71; 10:94; 3:71; 42:13; 29:46), Muhammad was shockingly ignorant of just about everything in it. For example, the inferiority of a woman's intellect is cited as the reason for one of Islam's most famous precepts: that a woman's testimony is worth half of that of a man (Sahih Al-Bukhari 2658; Sahih Muslim 241). Yet, in the Bible, no such distinction is made. Women obviously have different roles in both ministry and the family, but this is not due to the supposed deficiency of their mind. Rather, they are designed to perform complementary roles. As the saying goes, "women aren't built to do everything a man can do, but everything a man can't do."

But Muhammad's view of women was far different. While the Bible makes no distinction between a male witness and a female witness, the Qur'an requires two female witnesses if a male is not available. Furthermore, Qur'an 2:282 is only speaking about contract law, whereas verses like Deuteronomy 17:6 are talking about criminal law. Now, I don't know about you, but I consider a man's life to be far more valuable than any contract. It stands to reason, then, that if gender is irrelevant when it comes to potential execution, it shouldn't be a factor in verbal agreements.

Muhammad's view of women is neither Biblical, nor is it scientific. The simple fact that he would attempt to pass off such ignorance as revelation from God ought to be enough to put his claims to be a prophet to bed (2 Peter 1:20-21).

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