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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

Numbering our days

One thing that nobody wants to think about, but everyone has to deal with, is the fact that one day, we are going to die. For some of us, that time may come very quickly. Not even the rest of the day is guaranteed. For others, that may come in 80 years. Even that is a "short" time in the grand scheme of things.

Grim thought, sure. But it is a grim and inevitable reality. The question isn't how do we best ignore it, or how do we stop it, but what do we do with it? Do we sit down and give up as if everything is hopeless? Do we go out and try every possible experience regardless of the moral implications? Perhaps (please do not), we should just speed up the inevitable? All of these are wrong answers,

Knowing that life is short and temporary, we should do everything we can to make it count. Think of it this way: You know every meal is finite. Yet you don't wolf it down without regard for the flavour, you don't throw it in the bin, you take it in. Enjoy your meal, and if possible, try to finish it, without wasting it. Life is effectively just one long meal. Enjoy it, try to "finish" it, don't waste it.

For this, God gives us "wisdom". Principles for life that will allow us to make the best of it. Wisdom results in good things in this life and the next, whereas lacking wisdom results in chaos in this life, and unless you repent and get saved, more punishment in the next. The first step of wisdom is to fear the Lord. From there, we learn how to best spend our lives until we finally stand before Him.

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