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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

Paul's powerful demonstration

Some so-called sceptics claim that faith is just "belief without evidence", or even "belief in spite of contrary evidence". These people have obviously never read the Bible, which repeatedly shows the opposite.

One thing we need to remember about the Bible is that it wasn't written with 21st century sceptics in mind. Or rather, it was, but not in the sense that Paul was trying to specifically convince us. No, the Bible was written primarily to its own era. The here and the now (or rather the there and the then).

In other words, when Paul wrote 1 Corinthians, he wasn't thinking "how do I convince people living more than 1900 years in the future?" He was thinking "what do I say to people who, in just a short time, I'm actually going to meet?" (2 Corinthians 13:1 shows that Paul was going to come in person not long after his letter arrived).

So how exactly does Paul convince the Corinthians that the Gospel is true? Not with persuasive words, but with a powerful demonstration. In other words, Paul didn't even make an argument, Paul took a very "show, don't tell" approach. And he was writing to the people he showed these signs to. So, clearly, the Corinthians weren't believing without evidence, but believing because of the evidence.

So, clearly, the Bible itself does not expect belief without evidence. Quite the opposite, God provided plenty of evidence to accompany all of His revelations, and continues to do so today. There really is no excuse.

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