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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

The cartoonish logic of unreasonable doubt

"Cartoon logic" memes are some of the funniest memes in existence. It's really interesting to see just how much we are capable of suspending our disbelief just to enjoy a comic sketch. A friend once sent me a collection of 26 of these memes. Some of them were quite wild. There was the classic "gravity will not work until you look down". One meme pointed out how weird it was that a Smurf was "trapped" in a cage with bars more than far enough apart for them to just walk through. And seriously, how is a Powder Puff Girl supposed to play rock-paper-scissors when their "hands" are just fingerless stubs?

But one of the examples seemed a lot more reasonable than the others. Far from being just "cartoon logic", this definitely displays our own reality. Scooby Doo and Norville "Shaggy" Rogers, in spite of having unmasked countless phoney monsters, continue in their fear of them. As viewers, we can see that this fear is irrational. Every single ghost they have ever encountered, they have come to find is just a dude in a bed sheet. What makes them think this one is real? But who among us can pretend we have never experienced an unreasonable doubt?

As it turns out, even some of the most Godly men described in the Bible experienced unreasonable doubts. John the Baptist, for example. He had more evidence than anyone who has ever lived that Jesus is the Messiah. He had basically been told by God's own mouth. And yet, when things went wrong and He ended up in prison, doubt set in. "Are you the Coming One," he asked Jesus, "or do we seek another?"

Doubt is often unreasonable. It is a seed sown by the father of lies, intended to damage our relationship with God, and blimey that seed can grow. Large amounts of evidence often struggle to chop down that resulting tree, and even when it falls, the stump is stubborn. But Jesus was not angry with John. Rather, He lovingly pointed back to the scriptures, effectively telling John "Yes, I am the Messiah, as is shown by the things I am doing."

There may be times in your life when you doubt. Maybe even strongly. But fear not. Just look back on all the "ghosts" you have previously unmasked, and ask yourself why this one is different? Let your enemy, the devil, throw every spook he has at you, then go back to the scriptures and let Christ pull off all of those bedsheets.

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