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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

The purpose of fear

Fear is often seen as being synonymous with a "lack of faith". Of course, show such people a snake or a spider, or even switch off the light, they will soon become cowering balls of terror, but in the name of their pride, they will often expect you to put on a brave face. The truth is, fear is a very natural response to an unknown future in a fallen world. But like all things, fear is intended to lead us to the God who saves us.

Imagine a world without fear. Mankind has spent thousands of years facing a range of dangers. Natural disasters, fires, diseases, dangerous animals, and of course the most dangerous creature on earth: Other humans. And that's just the physical dangers with which we must deal. Without fear, mankind would never have survived to the modern day.

But fear should not only tell us to avoid danger, but also to not avoid God. Fear is designed to remind you of how fragile you are, both in this life and the next. You are not immortal; you can be killed. You are not God, you can be cast aside forever. But praise be to God, He ensures that nothing can happen to us that cannot achieve a greater good. Even in the tragic event that you should lose your earthly life, in Christ you have eternal life. Let fear draw you closer to the God who saves you.

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