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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

The sick need a physician

We all know someone who considers themselves to be holy beyond reproach. They're happy to judge you, even tell you that there's a special place in Hell for you, but they know for a fact that they're Jesus' favourite. But Jesus had no patience for such fools. In the eyes of the Holy One, if you're going to claim you have no sin, you're claiming you have no need of the Saviour.

Every single Christian must know that if they're going to claim the name of Christ, humility is key. You are sick. Severely spiritually sick. You have a fatal disease called sin, and your doctor, Jesus, is the only one both able and willing to heal you.

If Jesus walked the earth today, He would not even knock on the door of the proud. Indeed, these same people would probably close the door on his face shouting "and I hope it broke your massive nose!" This only because crucifixion is no longer a legal option.

But those who know Jesus know humility. Look no further than Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus was a filthy sinner; not only a tax collector, but a very corrupt one. But when he heard of Jesus, he climbed a tree just for the chance to see Him. Jesus' response, rather than to scold him as the people would do, was to invite himself to his house for dinner. Zacchaeus, a notorious sinner, was saved that day.

Turn to your physician, you who are sick, and make no claims to be healthy. You, like all men, are sinful beyond all hope of salvation, but nevertheless, salvation you shall have.

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