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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

Who ever perished being innocent?

The Bible being infallible does not necessarily mean every word in it is true. In reality, the Bible accurately records the mistakes of sinners, and even the lies of the devil himself.

An excellent example of this is Job's friend, Eliphaz, who is one of three bad examples seen in the book of Job. Hearing Job mourn, Eliphaz incorrectly assumes Job is suffering because of something he has done wrong. "Remember now, who ever perished being innocent?" he asks.

Of course, we all know the answer to that. As Christians, we believe that Jesus, the innocent Son of God, perished in His mortal body for we who are far from innocent. As God had a reason for Job's suffering, He had a greater reason for Christ's suffering. And my brethren, even if you suffer now, there is a reason. Trust in God, as Job did, and glorify God in your heart.

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