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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

You are our brethren

To our fellow Christians,

Calvinists, Arminians, you are our brethren. Pedobaptists, you are our brethren. Old Earth Creationists, deceived though you are, you are our brethren. Traditionalists, it's not about the music, and so you are our brethren. Whatever you eat, whatever you drink, you are our brethren. If you celebrate all traditional holidays, or celebrate none, you are our brethren. The day on which you worship is irrelevant, you are our brethren. KJVonlyists, you are our brethren. If we have a difference which I have not yet mentioned, if you are in Christ, you are our brethren, and we love you dearly.

Though we differ wildly, though we have our disputes, though we have varying levels of knowledge and of faith, Christ is not divided, and His love covers all. We bow at the foot of the same cross, we are washed in the same blood, we rejoice at the same empty tomb, we will inherit the same Kingdom. With God as our Heavenly Father, we are all brethren, and so we should strive not to force our opinions upon each other, but to unite on our common ground, the rock that is Jesus' Christ, and the testimony that He is the Son of the Living God. May His Church never be divided against itself so that it falls, but may we storm the gates of Hell together. This is our prayer, that we may endeavour to keep the unity of the Spirit with the peace that binds us all. In Jesus' name, amen.

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