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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

You need no shame

Do you ever feel like you're not good enough for Jesus? Like you're so sinful you deserve nothing but wrath? Maybe you've even done something heavily frowned upon, and now you're just sat in a pool of your own shame. There's good news, and there's bad news.

The bad news is, you're right! You're not good enough for Jesus, and you are so sinful you deserve nothing but wrath. The good news is Jesus is good enough to have taken that wrath for you.

The cross was not a partial sacrifice. It wasn't a reduction of our debt. It was not a conditional offer. It has no expiration date. It is not something that ever needs to be repeated or renewed. No, the cross was a one time, perfectly sufficient sacrifice that eliminated all our sins for all time. If you have faith in Christ, you will never be put to shame. No one can even bring a charge against you, because God Himself justifies you (Romans 8:33).

If you have faith in Jesus, God forgives you completely. What right have you to hold a grudge? Stand up, let Jesus dust you off, go and sin no more.

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