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Sola Scriptura

What is Sola Scriptura?

Sola Scriptura is the commonly misunderstood doctrine that, to borrow from Augustine of Hippo, Scripture contains all things necessary for faith and the manner of life. It is often erroneously understood as the belief that Scripture is the sole authority in the Christian faith, full stop. Rather, it is the contention that Scripture is the highest authority, as it is "theopneustos" (God-breathed). It therefore holds the same authority as if God Himself stood before us and spoke it aloud. No other source or figure holds this level of authority, or infallibility, and thus, as Jerome says, "that which hath not authority from scripture, we can as easily despise as approve."


The Biblical Position

Although this doctrine is often opposed by heretics, Sola Scriptura is both Biblical and self evident. Scripture consistently affirms its own divine origins, sets itself as the ultimate arbiter of truth, and forbids either the addition to, or removal from itself. As it does so, it also warns of both the errors, and punishments, that result from such deviations. This is contrasted with sources such as tradition, which are not spoken of especially highly. That's not to say Christians should be somehow allergic to the word "tradition", but that tradition plays a lesser role. Of course, defining tradition as simply that which is passed down, Scripture itself is a tradition. However, not all traditions come from God, even when they are presented by His authoritative messengers. This is seen abundantly in the examples of the Sanhedrin, with the Pharisees receiving especially harsh rebukes for their reliance on tradition, which they would use to nullify the Scriptures. Jesus, by contrast, used the Scriptures religiously, charging anyone who did not know, or diligently follow them with error and sin. It is therefore abundantly clear that those who follow Jesus have no option but to accept Sola Scriptura. Anyone who denies this doctrine denies the authority of God.

Key articles

Biblical basis for Sola Scriptura

Historical basis for Sola Scriptura

Regarding Roman Catholicism

Refuting common straw man arguments

Miscellaneous relevant articles

All relevant articles

But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition? - Matthew 15:3 KJV

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