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Bible Brian
2 min read
Conditional Security in a nutshell
There are three main views when it comes to the question of whether or not a Christian can lose their salvation: "Yes, through sin", "yes...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Faith gets you no credit
Some Calvinists like to argue that if our faith is what saves us, we actually get some credit for our salvation. There is even one...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Was Christ defeated?
A major problem for the doctrine of Irresistible Grace is that Scripture explicitly tells us that we can, indeed, resist God's grace....
Bible Brian
3 min read
Perseverance of the Saints
What is Perseverance of the Saints? Perseverance of the Saints can also be referred to as "Eternal Security", and is often summed up as...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Irresistible Grace
What is Irresistible Grace? Irresistible Grace is, in effect, the Yin to Total Depravity's Yang. Whereas Total Depravity states that man...
Bible Brian
5 min read
Limited Atonement
What is Limited Atonement? Limited Atonement is the belief that Christ's sacrifice is very limited in its scope. Only the sins of the...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Unconditional Election
What is Unconditional Election? Unconditional Election states that God elects who will be saved not according to any characteristic or...
Bible Brian
6 min read
Total Depravity
What is Total Depravity? Total Depravity, as the name suggests, is the idea that mankind as a species is totally depraved. A common...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Perspicuity vs. Calvinism
One problem I have with Calvinism is that it seems in constant conflict with the doctrine of Perspicuity, which I contend is a very...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Limited Atonement: Can God command us to lie?
Of all of Calvinism's 5 points, Limited Atonement is the one that least fits with the scriptures. There are several reasons for this, the...
Bible Brian
7 min read
Limited Atonement and the word "world"
Of all the so-called "doctrines of grace", Limited Atonement is the least defensible, both in theory, and indeed in the admission of many...
Bible Brian
11 min read
A brief summary of why you can't lose salvation
When it comes to the possibility of losing salvation, there are two main views: Conditional Security (the belief that salvation can be...
Bible Brian
6 min read
Once unsaved, always unsaved
A common, if overly simplistic phrase in Christian circles is "once saved, always saved". This phrase sums up the doctrine of Eternal...
Bible Brian
6 min read
Ex-Christians are like ex-adults: Imaginary
You'll find a lot of atheists claim they used to be Christians. However, this is impossible. Imagine, for a moment, a child tells you...
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