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Bible Brian
7 min read
Knowledge of the tree of knowledge
It's no secret that atheists - at least the most vocal ones - view themselves as the only people on Earth capable of intelligent thought....
Bible Brian
8 min read
Theistic Evolution and the puddle analogy
One of many drawbacks to creation compromise is the loss of several powerful arguments for the faith. The design argument, for example.
Bible Brian
3 min read
Aliens and the pyramids: Why the Bible's answer is better
All across the world, including Egypt, Peru, Mexico, Sudan, Guatemala, Iraq, and several others, stand several great pyramids. These...
Bible Brian
9 min read
Carnivores and the flood: Major atheist misunderstanding
It's a well known fact that neither skill, nor intelligence, are equally distributed among human beings. As much as I love my Christian...
Bible Brian
9 min read
The tree of ignorance
In our day, to call Theistic Evolution a heresy is considered divisive, intolerant, and hateful. You can say what you want about "young"...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Jewish fanfiction refutes Christian fanfiction
In the modern day, many Christians either don't care enough about origins to take a Biblical stance, or hate the Biblical stance so much,...
Bible Brian
13 min read
Sorry compromisers, context still matters.
One of the most recent internal conflicts of the Christian faith is how much, exactly, do atheists have right about origins? Out of a...
Bible Brian
5 min read
Jurassic Park: The good, the bad, and the asinine
Although movies are fun to watch, there is an awful lot in them that isn't realistic. Realism is often sacrificed for entertainment, and...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Honest atheists account for The Fall
No matter who you are, no matter what you believe, no matter what you vehemently oppose, basic logic tells us you must accurately...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Theistic Evolution is a sin
In a world where the Bible is "open for interpretation", and even so-called Christians are calling for inclusivity and to let everyone...
Bible Brian
11 min read
Yes, it's ok to be white
We live in an incredibly backwards world in which "stop hating people" is considered one of the most hateful things you can possibly say....
Bible Brian
18 min read
The truth about dinosaurs
65 million years ago, long before human beings evolved, some catastrophic event, or maybe series of events, caused the mass extinction of...
Bible Brian
8 min read
The age of the Earth: What is it, and why does it matter?
It is often said that the greatest deceit of the devil is convincing people he doesn't exist. However, as great a deceit as that is, the...
Bible Brian
4 min read
The lightning rod of Genesis
Genesis, being canonically and chronologically the first book in any full Bible, is more than likely going to be one of the first books...
Bible Brian
13 min read
The wrong evidence
An atheist's favorite word, though they often do not know what it means, is almost certainly "evidence". They use it all the time,...
Bible Brian
5 min read
The daftest superpower to want
If you could have any super power you wanted, what would it be? Super strength? Telekinesis? Invisibility? Our answers vary wildly, but...
Bible Brian
9 min read
You think you know more about science than God?
Creationists often point out that the origins issue all comes down, ultimately, to whether you believe God's word or man's. Atheists, of...
Bible Brian
3 min read
God does not speak gobbledegook
Looking at scripture, it is abundantly clear that the correct view of origins is Biblical Creationism; the account of origins is both...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Scripture, science, and origins
In an effort to reconcile atheistic creation myths with the Christian faith, some Christians love to point out that the Bible is not a...
Bible Brian
5 min read
Evolution is not "cool"
As Evolution is the religion I converted to Christianity from, Theistic Evolution is a particularly irritating heresy to me. Throughout...
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