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Bible Brian
26 min read
Dinosaurs and Potatoism
Between 1991 and 1994, ABC aired a sitcom called "Dinosaurs" (now available on Disney+), which centred around the Sinclair family - a...
Bible Brian
10 min read
Faith and grading: Why you should stop simplifying theology
It's no secret that reasoning standards in our culture are dismally low. As Bill Maher notes, "You know why advertisers in this country...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Backstage errors
In the process of writing an upcoming article "100 Proofs of the Deity of Christ: Part 1/10", I made a mess that I think can be turned...
Bible Brian
7 min read
Reading between heretical lines
In a world filled to the brim with fake news, it's certainly a privilege to have access to the world's most perfect fact checker. The...
Bible Brian
6 min read
Nasser Hospital and the evil Bible argument
A commonly circulated meme on social media displays two photos of Prince William, taken from two different angles at exactly the same...
Bible Brian
6 min read
Frog, toad, or rat?
We all "know" that the Bible is open to interpretation, and they're all equally valid. That is, until those who say they're all equally...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Why I respect flat earthers
Though they are somewhat rare, believers in the flat earth model can be found all over the globe. It's not often I come across them. I...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Apostate Prophet discovers Wikipedia's bias live
Ridvan Aydemir, better known by his screen name "Apostate Prophet", or simply "AP", is certainly one of the more reasonable atheists. As...
Bible Brian
6 min read
My favorite apologist can beat up your favorite apologist
It is said that some people never think for themselves because no one ever told them to. At the beginning of our lives, to do so is...
Bible Brian
4 min read
A fox teaches you to read
While the intention of language is to be interpreted, a flaw in all human language is that it can often be interpreted multiple ways....
Bible Brian
5 min read
Interpret the Bible, not your creed
By far the most frustrating, and yet most common counter arguments to any Biblical truth is "that's just your interpretation". It can be...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Dear Christians: God's philosophy is greater than yours
It never ceases to amaze me when theology debates involve man's philosophy. When Scripture is cited, philosophy is cited in its negation....
Bible Brian
2 min read
Hearing of God
Living not too long after the Tower of Babel, Job didn’t appear to have access to any kind of Scriptures. He certainly didn’t have the...
Bible Brian
1 min read
A hermeneutical lesson from John
Just after Jesus told Peter about how he was going to die, Peter asked about John. Jesus’ reply was effectively “mind your own business,...
Bible Brian
2 min read
A hermeneutical Chess game
The demand for explicit statements is becoming an increasingly large problem. Where does Jesus say the exact words “I am God”? Where does...
Bible Brian
4 min read
The hypocrisy of unbelievers who twist scripture
There are two ways to look at the Bible. The first is that it is authoritative. The second is that it is not. The latter view is held...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Follow the logic: It's not an issue of "interpretation"
When heretics are confuted by Scripture, they will often turn round and accuse these same Scriptures, as if they were not correct, nor of...
Bible Brian
10 min read
How do we know which interpretation is correct?
"Did God really say...". Very early in history, these 4 simple words left the mouth of the most effective deceiver our world has ever...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Why it's good to close your mind
It's a shame Hitler lost World War 2. He had a fantastic regime going, and if the Nazis won, the world would be a better place. If you're...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Facts don't care about your feelings
If you ask an atheist why they believe there's no God, you may get a number of responses. From weak and lazy arguments like "there's no...
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