Why can't I listen to "Pope" Peter?
One of the most ironic things about Catholicism is that in order to defend their own alleged authority, they must destroy their own...
Why can't I listen to "Pope" Peter?
Catholicism and the cisChristian
Are Catholics Christians?
A poor excuse for necromancy
Sorry Catholics, you DO believe in salvation by works
"You won't find anything new" - Another Catholic oopsy on Sola Scriptura
Catholic hypocrisy: Are Protestants too similar, or too different?
Catholicism and Roe v. Wade
Christian, not "Protestant"
The saints have not been resurrected yet
The irony of complaining about hypocritical Catholics
All have sinned, even Mary
Your men vs. my God
Why the Real Presence cannot be a logical interpretation
If I became Catholic...
Christianity > Protestantism
Catholic hypocrisy: "You make yourself Pope!"
Irenaeus and tradition
From John to Jude: "You cannot bear them now"
Lawyers vs. kings