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Bible Brian
5 min read
Combusting Catholicism: Understanding scripture
Much like any cultist, when Catholics are confronted with the plain teachings of scripture, their strategy is to attempt to wrestle the...
Bible Brian
6 min read
Why can't I listen to "Pope" Peter?
One of the most ironic things about Catholicism is that in order to defend their own alleged authority, they must destroy their own...
Bible Brian
7 min read
Catholicism and the cisChristian
The Catholic Church has a love-hate relationship with the Bible. One of their official doctrines is that it is, indeed, the word of God,...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Are Catholics Christians?
The excessive heresy found in the Catholic Church leads many people to ask "are Catholics Christians?" The answer will depend largely on...
Bible Brian
5 min read
A poor excuse for necromancy
One day, a man walks past his son's bedroom, and hears some strange noises. He decides to investigate, and of course finds what every...
Bible Brian
5 min read
Sorry Catholics, you DO believe in salvation by works
As the Gospel is the most essential issue in the Christian faith, the biggest criticism of the Catholic Church is that it seriously...
Bible Brian
8 min read
"You won't find anything new" - Another Catholic oopsy on Sola Scriptura
One of the stranger arguments Catholics make against Sola Scriptura is that no one in the modern day will find anything no one has ever...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Catholic hypocrisy: Are Protestants too similar, or too different?
In my eyes, the identification of "Protestant" is a silly one. Because "Protestant" basically means non-Catholic, it can be broadly...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Catholicism and Roe v. Wade
In spite of the surprising number of pro-abortion Catholics, the official position of the Catholic Church is that abortion is a sin. The...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Christian, not "Protestant"
Though I don't dispute the importance of the Reformation in Church history, I feel that using the term "Protestant" to refer to those who...
Bible Brian
3 min read
The saints have not been resurrected yet
If you're familiar with the Old Testament, you'll know that God takes a very dim view on seeking the dead, demanding instead that we seek...
Bible Brian
4 min read
The irony of complaining about hypocritical Catholics
In politics, it's rather important to appeal to the people, or at least to the majority. This is particularly true in Democratic...
Bible Brian
5 min read
All have sinned, even Mary
One way in which the Catholic Church elevates Mary is by claiming that she, much like Jesus, was free from sin both personal and...
Bible Brian
7 min read
Your men vs. my God
The Catholic Church has long maintained that it is the one and only organisation with the right to interpret the Bible on behalf of the...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Why the Real Presence cannot be a logical interpretation
The debate on the Real Presence can be fairly easily settled with the most basic laws of logic. These laws are: The law of identity. The...
Bible Brian
14 min read
If I became Catholic...
If, God forbid, I was ever to become Catholic, I would not be like any Catholic I've ever met. Knowing where I'm coming from now, I would...
Bible Brian
6 min read
Christianity > Protestantism
I often like to point out that Catholicism needs to deny the Sufficiency of Scripture, claiming for itself authority to interpret it, not...
Bible Brian
6 min read
Catholic hypocrisy: "You make yourself Pope!"
"You don't claim to have your own authority, yet if you deny the authority of the Church, then you are saying you yourself the individual...
Bible Brian
8 min read
Irenaeus and tradition
As a strong believer in the Sufficiency of Scripture, I don't often like to use external sources to defend my faith. That's not to say I...
Bible Brian
4 min read
From John to Jude: "You cannot bear them now"
In John 16:12-13, Jesus tells the disciples "“I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the...
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