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What is Hell?

Hell is an eternal realm, initially created for Satan and his angels (Matthew 25:41), in which sinners endure eternal punishment for their sins. 

What is Hell like?

The Bible paints some rather graphic pictures of Hell, most famously calling it a "lake of fire". It is said that there will be weeping, and gnashing of teeth, and the damned are tormented day and night forever. In spite of such graphic teachings, there is debate about how much of it is actually literal. While some views, such as Annihilationism (not discussed in this section), are obviously invalid, it is questionable as to whether or not Hell is a literal lake of fire. Regardless of how literal Hell is, it must be rather awful, as it can be properly DESCRIBED as a lake of fire.


Is Hell morally justified?

Some people, particularly those heading for Hell, tend to object to its legitimacy. Is it fair for God to send people to Hell for all eternity? We could simply wave off these objections by saying that God, with His infinite wisdom and authority, has both the right to do with us as He pleases, and the knowledge of what best to do with us. However, while true, this answer is unsatisfactory to the enquiring mind, which, as long as we inquire in earnest, the Lord does encourage us to have. Thus, it is fair to ask how Hell is morally justified. There is no simple answer that would fit into a brief introductory section, so I will simply leave it at that and link to articles in which I have addressed that topic.

Key articles

History of Hell

The nature of Hell

The purpose of Hell

Objections to Hell

Other relevant articles

All relevant articles

And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. - Daniel 12:2 KJV

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