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Aborting the abortion debate

Writer's picture: Bible BrianBible Brian

Just a few short years ago, not even so many as to be considered a decade, abortion on demand up until birth would have been seen as a straw man and a conspiracy theory. Tragically, at least in the United States of America, it has instead been the bottom of the apparently non-fallacious slippery slope. On February 28th 2022, the so-called "Women's Health Protection Act" was defeated in the Senate in a cloture vote of 48-46. (1).

The bill is horrendously misnamed, as it has absolutely nothing to do with women's health. It is entirely designed as a plan B for if Roe v. Wade is overturned in the Supreme Court, enshrining abortion on demand, up until birth, into federal law. The bill contains many abominable demands, including forbidding states from having informed consent requirements.

The reason for this is obvious: When fully informed, women often do not consent to abortion. In fact, the majority of pro-abortion advocates do not understand abortion at all. It is a practice that thrives on ignorance. In fact, in 2011, Ray Comfort's ministry, Living Waters, released the 180 Movie, in which 8 Abortionists become pro-life in mere seconds, only from being shown what, exactly, happens during an abortion.

This is because most people instinctively know what pro-Lifers have been saying for years: The morality of abortion comes down to the question not of who is pregnant, but what they are pregnant with. Human life is intrinsically valuable. Therefore, if a foetus is not yet human, abortion is not a problem. We don't call women murderers when they go through their monthly cycle because until an egg is fertilised, it is not human. It's a single cell, no more valuable than the hair on your head. If, however, a foetus is a human being, which science tells us it absolutely is, it is immoral to take its life, as surely as it would be outside the womb.

But with this latest extreme, we don't even need to go that far. We don't need to show "ah, it has a heartbeat, can't kill it anymore." If Democrats want abortion on demand up until birth, all we need to say is "that new born baby being cradled in its mother's arms, that's exactly what it looked like yesterday, the day before that, and frankly, it's been exactly as human for a while now. You guys want a woman to have an absolute, inviolable, legal right to slaughter that."

At that point, Democrats should lose their seat at the table. If you think it is morally acceptable to kill this

you don't deserve to be heard. You deserve to be cast out from society and looked back on the way we look upon the Babylonians, who took their enemies' children and smashed them against rocks. Or the Spartans, who notoriously left the babies they considered "weak" out in the desert to die of heatstroke and be eaten by scavengers. Or the worshipers of Molech, who would heat up an alter, lay their children on it so their skin melted off, and banged drums so they couldn't hear the screams. If you believe in abortion up to birth, you are a bloodthirsty savage, and there isn't a cage shameful enough to hold you. You should not be allowed to run for office, much less actually hold it.

The Women's Health Protection Act proves one thing: This was never about healthcare. Abortion has the same demonic motivations as all atrocities throughout human history. Because of this, we can immediately dismiss any and all arguments for it. "But what about rape and incest?" Do you care about rape or incest? No, you want abortion on demand. "What about teenage pregnancies?" Do you care about teenage pregnancies? No, you want abortion on demand. "It's just a clump of cells". Do you care about it when it's so demonstrably not a clump of cells that you can hear it screaming? No, you. Want. Abortion. On. Demand. You don't care, you never cared, you used all those bogus arguments that never worked in the first place because you had an agenda.

You want abortion on demand, you've always wanted abortion on demand, and now you're nearly there, you're not even trying to hide it anymore, so why not cut the nonsense and let's get straight to the important part: You're wrong. Your arguments are wrong, abortion is wrong, what you want is so utterly wrong as to merit the everlasting wrath of the God who gave life to both you and your victims. You belong in Hell, my abortionist friends.

But praise be to God, though the entire human race, save, ironically, those who are being brutally slaughtered in the name of "healthcare" (and those who have survived a little beyond that), deserves the wrath of God, God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked. While the radical Left will get angry if you tell them not to murder the innocent, God does not even enjoy killing those who actually deserve it. Therefore, He offers an alternative.

2,000 years ago, Jesus, the Son of God, entered creation as an innocent baby boy. But unlike other babies, He never lost that innocence when He grew up. Jesus never knew sin. He never did anything wrong, but instead did everything right. Yet, He died by capital punishment. He was put through a bogus trial, during which time He never even defended Himself, He was brutally beaten, He was mocked, He was stripped, He was nailed to a cross, and He died. In doing so, He took your punishment. You now have a choice. Repent, confess Jesus as Lord, and believe God raised Him from the dead, and you will become a new creation. You will be permanently forgiven for all your sins, abortion included. Even if you are a doctor who has committed thousands of abortions in your lifetime, you will be treated as if you had never shed a drop of blood, inheriting a place in His eternal Kingdom. As the old hymn says, "the vilest offender who truly believes, that moment from Jesus a pardon receives".

If not? God will abort you. "My Kingdom, my choice", He will say to you. Every grace you have received, the air you breathe, the ground you walk on, the food you eat, the water you drink, the body you use to perceive all of these things, you receive from God, and you will receive no longer. An eternity in the pit of fire, always wishing for forgiveness, but never again being given the chance. Your victims will see His face, but you will feel His absence. Is taking the lives of innocents really worth losing your own?


1. Haynes, Michael - Senate Republicans plus one Democrat defeat radical bill allowing abortion-on-demand until birth, LifeSite News, March 1st 2022 (link).


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