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Abortion: A common historical evil

Writer's picture: Bible BrianBible Brian

It is sometimes said that if God doesn't judge America soon, He'll have to apologise to Sodom and Gomorrah. There are two obvious flaws with this, the first being that God doesn't ever have to apologise, and the second being there are still 10 righteous people living in America. But one of the reasons for this is that America not only has some of the most abominable abortion laws in the world, but even when it makes progress towards solving that problem, the Left freak out.

The sad thing is, abortion is so widespread that even many Christians are in favor of it. But this ought not be the case. When we look back through history, we see a number of cultures which also sacrificed their children for various reasons. The Spartans, for example, are famous for leaving their weak children out in the desert to die of heat stroke, starvation, dehydration, and even predation.

Even the Jews were often drawn away to horrible sacrifices like that. They would often be tempted to worship Molech instead of God, placing their children on altars, which were basically giant frying pans, and they'd bang drums to drown out the screams of their dying infants.

Suffice to say, history has no shortage of the ritual sacrifice of children, and when we look back on these cultures, we condemn them. But it is the height of hypocrisy to do so while we, ourselves, continue to sacrifice our children to the god of self. It is for entirely selfish reasons that we slaughter thousands of innocent children per day. Of course, it's not always that. It's no coincidence that black babies are aborted at higher rates than white babies. The modern practice of abortion was practically designed to reduce the number of black people in society, based on the racist assumption that white people are Evolutionarily superior. But most women who have abortions aren't doing so in the hope of wiping out black people.

Whatever the reason for abortion, it is so obviously repugnant that we condemn it in any other culture but our own. In order to be consistent, we must condemn it just as firmly in our own. It is a great evil for which we must repent.

But on its own, repentance is worthless. It's a broken mirror that will always be cracked. But there is redemption. The same God against whom these cultures rebelled, against whom we rebel, and in more ways than just abortion, has given us a path to salvation. Just one path. When Jesus died, He received the full wrath of God for sin. In fact, scripture says God "...made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." (2 Corinthians 5:21). In other words, every abortionist who has ever lived "died" on that cross, as far as God is concerned. Therefore, all who confess Jesus as Lord, and believe God raised Him from the dead, will be counted righteous. Our sins will be forgotten, and we will reign with God in a Kingdom where there is no abortion. The alternative, ironically, is God will "abort" us, throwing us into a lake of fire that is never quenched. Choose life, because God has chosen life.


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