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Advice for Christian students in a secular system

As the culture shifts towards the secular, so also does the educational system. This leaves every Christian student with a difficult question: What do I do when I am being graded on a topic that conflicts with my beliefs? The most obvious example would be Evolution. Any biology student will inevitably be asked to learn about Evolution, which is obviously in conflict with the scriptures. Thus, talking about Evolution in a test feels like lying.

The question feels a lot more difficult than it really needs to be. At this point in time, educational establishments do not grade you based on your ability to believe what they are teaching you, but on your ability to understand it. If you prove you understand Evolution by earning a high grade, you haven't said "I believe Evolution", you have said "I know what my school/college/university has taught me about Evolution".

Furthermore, when you take the test, you can use the same kind of weasel words as Evolutionists do to avoid accountability. You can say thinks like "allegedly", "some experts believe", "according to >source<". Little phrases like this can make even the most ridiculous lies true, simply because the context has switched from the lie itself to the source of them. By using these qualifiers, you can regurgitate the entire contents of Origin of Species without one hint of dishonesty.

Think of it this way: Even the Bible records lies. There are direct quotations in the Bible from Satan, the father of lies. Yet, obviously, the Bible is not a book of lies. It is possible to honestly report a dishonest statement. In the same way, it is entirely possible for a student, knowing s/he is being taught a lie, to accurately say "I was taught this lie" without once claiming to believe it. Thus, no Christian student should ever feel the need to choose between their faith and their grade. Indeed, receiving a good grade for receiving a bad teaching makes you more qualified, at least in the eyes of the world, to speak out against it.

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