All across the world, including Egypt, Peru, Mexico, Sudan, Guatemala, Iraq, and several others, stand several great pyramids. These gargantuan structures are a great source of mystery and wonder to us. Adding to the intrigue is the fact that over time, both the method, and even the times of construction have been lost to history. How did supposedly primitive people manage to construct such architectural masterpieces without our technology? And if we can't figure it out now, how did they figure it out back then?
For some people, the answer is literally out of this world. Aliens, they say, are to blame. Our primitive ancestors were visited by travellers from other worlds, with technology far beyond even what we have today. In some way or another, these aliens are responsible for the construction of the pyramids.
Of course, as a Christian, I don't believe all that. While I'm not willing to be dogmatic and say "aliens don't exist", there is certainly no need to assume they do. After all, humans, being made in the image of God, are quite capable of incredible feats, all without the aid of extra terrestrial instructors.
Of course, if you truly believe our ancestors were primitive, it makes sense that their fantastic achievements are anachronistic. But the reality has been recorded for thousands of years. We are not the chance descendants of imbecilic apes, but well-designed images of Almighty God.
Because we were made in God's image, we're actually quite incredible. So much so that when we work together, "...now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them." (Genesis 11:6). Of course, this isn't necessarily a good thing, and thus God actually confused our languages and split us up into various groups, which over time would become nations.
Interestingly, the pyramids themselves serve as evidence for this great event. Much like our languages, they share similarities, but are not perfectly alike. Several ancient cultures, separated by land, sea, and time, all construct such similar structures. Because the same aliens visited them? No. Because they all share the same ultimate history. Biblical history.
Incidentally, that history may include one giant ziggurat, a type of pyramid used in religious rituals. It cannot be dogmatically asserted, but evidence suggests this is exactly what the famous Tower of Babel was. In various ancient religions, the purpose of a ziggurat was to elevate man to Heaven (Genesis 11:4), or even to bring Heaven down (Deuteronomy 30:12).
But as in all things, God's ways were above our ways, and so the plan was foiled. He scattered mankind across the world. Nevertheless, we did not learn our lesson. In spite of being scattered into many different people groups, we repeated the errors we made when we were one. This is because sin requires a more permanent fix.
Thus, while He did not conform to our schedule, God did indeed bring His Kingdom to Earth. In the form of Jesus Christ, God walked among men as a man Himself. When the time came, He was crucified, suffering the full penalty for our rebellion. In so doing, He purchased eternal life for all humanity. The only condition to receiving it is faith. All who repent of their sin, confessing Jesus as the risen Lord, will be forgiven, and reign eternally in a Kingdom far greater than Babel was ever even intended to be, for "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him." (1 Corinthians 2:9).