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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

All is permissible, but I will not let it control me

One of the verses I considered when I considered getting a tattoo is 1 Corinthians 6:12. Tattoos are Biblically permissible, but as Paul says, they're not necessarily beneficial. What's worse is that they can be addictive. So, should I get one? My answer was yes, and I now have three. But because of the freedom I have in Christ, I have both permission and the ability to stop at that.

In a way, 1 Corinthians 6:12 is another take on storing up treasures in Heaven rather than in the world. Just because all is permissible does not mean it is beneficial, and it's important to make sure we control our worldly desires rather than them controlling us.

This goes beyond tattoos. It applies to literally everything in life. Whatever your worldly treasure, it does not glorify God if it takes your focus from Him. Do you love your job? Do your job, but avoid sin, and do not get so sucked into it that you lack purpose without it. 1 Corinthians 6 mentions food. Food is for the stomach, and the stomach for food, but life itself is not about food; we were designed for God. So, if you want to eat bacon, eat bacon, but make sure God is your focus. If you want to be a vegetarian, there's an entire chapter in Romans dedicated to giving you permission to be a vegetarian, but don't make a whole new religion out of it. If you're teetotal, it's great that you have such restraint. If you love alcohol, excellent, God gave it to us to be enjoyed, but there are grave consequences for abusing the privilege.

Sex is also mentioned. It's a wonderful thing designed by God in the very beginning. In Genesis 2:18, God says "it is not good for the man to be alone", and so He made Eve, and declared the creation "very good" after having created her (Genesis 1:31). But of course, there are limits. Limits which we tend to think make God a killjoy, but actually serve to make sex into the beautiful thing that it is, rather than a brutal slave master that binds us to our passions with unbreakable chains.

And who could forget money? It's the root of all evil, right? Wrong! It's the love of money that is the root of all kinds of evil. Money, when used correctly, can be a great thing. But like sex, food, and alcohol, when it is used incorrectly, it can crack a terrible whip against our backs. It can cause us to sin, and we can use it to cause others to sin.

There are many more slave masters in our lives. Things which, when used God's way, can be great, but the moment we try to take the power from God, the power takes over us, and we soon live unfulfilled, miserable lives. Beware, lest you end up requiring permission to stop using the permissible. Find freedom in Christ, do not seek freedom from Him.

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