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Arguing from consensus, because our other arguments aren't strong enough

Writer's picture: Bible BrianBible Brian

"Consensus is invoked only in situations where the science is not solid enough." - Michael Crichton

Imagine you meet someone who unironically asked you to prove the Earth is round. What would you say to such a person? If you are wise, the absolute last answer you should give is consensus. Although it is certainly easier than putting intelligent thought into your case, it is an incredibly weak case, almost equal to making no case at all. It displays intellectual laziness, and maybe even a complete inability to actually defend your view.

In the case of the round earth, the consensus exists for a reason. There are photos that exist of the Earth, even some that were taken from the moon. We can see the curvature of the Earth in photos taken from certain perspectives. Objects disappear over the horizon bottom first. All other celestial bodies, including other planets, are round. If you're a Christian, you can even point out that the Bible strongly supports a round earth, complete with time zones. I could go on. The reason the consensus view is that the earth is round is that the evidence is so overwhelming, we can actually call it an indisputable fact.

Why, then, is consensus science both the first and last resort for Evolution apologists? At the beginning of a debate, the first point they'll make is that Evolution is consensus. At the end of a debate, after their arguments have been thoroughly refuted, and the Creationist arguments have been solidly established, "so 99% of scientists are wrong?"

The reason for this is obvious. It is as Crichton said: Consensus is invoked only in situations where the science is not solid enough. The science for Evolution is far from solid. In fact, it is so gaseous as to almost be a vacuum. So much so that Evolutionists are willing to accept any number of weird and wacky beliefs, even aliens planting life on Earth, just to avoid concluding that we were created by God.

But we were. Our species is not the product of billions of years of mutating goop. Rather, we were made in the very image of God, against whom we rebel so aggressively, we even deny His existence. For this, we deserve eternal wrath. But out of love, God made a way for us to be reconciled to Him. 2,000 years ago, the Lord Jesus Christ was born to a virgin and lived a perfect life. Then, though He knew no sin, He became sin for us, dying on the cross, facing the full wrath we deserve. With the wrath of God satisfied, we may have a restored relationship with Him, inheriting eternal life. All we need to do is repent and believe. Any scientist who denies this is foolish.


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