Note: The following article is an adaptation of an article that was originally published on Path Treader Ministries in 2017. I have decided to leave it mostly unedited, but some modifications have been made.
For the past few centuries, Christians in the West have had it easy relatively easy. Very few people would ever have tried to make us deny Christ, and certainly not under threat of death. As a result, we've grown quite soft in the face of persecution. "Christianity lite", for lack of better term, is very popular. You get all the benefits of God; prayer, hope for a future, community, all of that, but you get to keep your favorite sins, believe your favorite heresies, and just generally resemble the world.
You don't deny the myth of Evolution, for example. Evolution is accepted by a lot of Christians solely because they don't want to be laughed at or thought of as stupid. The Bible is quite clear on the issue. God created in six literal days, he made a literal first couple from whom we are all descended, he sent a literal global flood, and he's going to eliminate our universe with fire. But Christians set that aside to appear more intelligent to Evolutionists. "Creatard" is such a horrific insult to them, they shy away from the truth.
Gay "marriage" is another issue. I've seen Christians flat out admit that the Bible opposes homosexuality, but that we shouldn't because "it's 2017, we're more tolerant now". Why? Because they fear persecution if they don't preach this doctrine. And of course things have become far worse since then.
The list of compromises Christians make with Satan is practically endless, but consider this: In the West, we fear block buttons and ridicule. The absolute worst thing that most Christians will have to fear if we live our faith consistently is that we will lose our jobs. Yet in the Middle East, Christians are under constant risk of death or torture. Muslims make a clear statement to them: Pay the Jizyah (a tax for non-Muslims), convert, leave, or die. Which do you think is worse? Blade or block button?
It's an unfortunate fact that few of us are ok with, but persecution is a natural part of Christian life. We're not supposed to adapt our faith to avoid persecution. Instead, our faith is supposed to help us adapt to the persecution that all who seek to live a Godly life will face (2 Timothy 3:12). We are supposed to stand firm, even under threat of death, confessing the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. And, sadly, a time is coming in which doing that may result in far worse than ridicule. Get ready for it now.