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Blessed more than blessed among women

Writer's picture: Bible BrianBible Brian

Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church alone, it appears the distinction between Jesus and the Catholic version of Mary is gender and, well, existence. The historical Mary certainly existed, but the Catholic Mary was conceived without sin, remained sinless her entire life, holds saving office, has titles such as Advocate, Helper, Benefactress, and Mediatrix, receives prayer, and is even crowned Queen of all things.

That is a lot of blasphemy from a religion whose followers claim not to worship Mary. Indeed, if you ask most Catholics, they will claim they merely venerate her. Or, as some put it, "we give her the respect she deserves". But tell me, Biblically speaking, does she deserve all that "respect"? Personally, as she was such a faithful believer, I contend those things are actually very disrespectful. The real Mary would absolutely never have tried to take so many attributes possessed only by her Son, and if she could see what Catholics do with mere statues of her, she would likely beg the Lord to remove her very name from scripture.

For the most part, He already has. After Acts 1:14, poof, off she goes, never to be heard from again until we meet her in glory. But of course, the Bible does talk about her a little. In particular, both the Angel Gabriel and her cousin, Elizabeth, say in scripture "blessed are you among women" (Luke 1:28, 42). The same is said about Jael in Judges 5:24, but we'll just gloss over that...

As it happens, there is another woman who called Mary blessed. In Luke 11:27, a woman says to Jesus "Blessed is the womb that bore You, and the breasts which nursed You!" Of course, at this point, there's no denying it. Not that I'd even want to deny Mary was blessed. Heck, even as a man, it's hard not to feel a small sense of envy. Many people, even from her time, were not even blessed to have met Jesus. She got to carry Him in her womb and nurse Him, raising Him into the glorious man He is. No wonder scores of little girls beg for the opportunity to merely portray her in a Nativity play!

But Jesus didn't respond with the "amen" one might expect. If He was Catholic, He may well have responded with something like "hail Mary, full of grace" (a title she shares with Stephen the Martyr in Acts 6:8). But no, in Luke 11:28, He says "More than that, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!" (Emphasis mine).

More. Than. That.

More than if you had carried Jesus to term, more than if He suckled at your breast, if you hear and keep the word of God, you are blessed more than Mary! So how does that factor in to Catholicism's excessive idolatry? Suddenly, "blessed among women" doesn't seem to amount to the immaculate virgin being exalted Queen over all things, does it?

No excuses. No rhetoric. There is no apologetic defence Catholics can produce to defend what their Church teaches about Mary. The Catholic Mary is so deified, she must be classified as a pagan goddess (which, coincidentally, is a goddess the Jews also worshiped in the days of Jeremiah, much to the chagrin of the Lord, who punished them severely). The real Mary would urge Catholics to repent of the monster they have turned her into, and they should listen, not because she would want it, but because God wants it. Those who expect mediation from Mary will not receive it, but there is one God, and one mediator between man and God, the man Jesus Christ (1 Timothy 2:5). He, and He alone, can save your soul.


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