The invention of new technology often requires the creation of new laws. When vehicles got faster, for example, speed limits had to be introduced. Before the speed limits were introduced, people could drive as fast as their vehicles would allow them, and no case would be brought against them. In places where there is no government, there are no speed limits. Speed limits also vary depending on jurisdiction.
Morality, much like laws, cannot exist without an authority. This is a tremendous flaw in the argument from the "problem" of evil. As a Christian, I have a solid definition of evil. Evil is anything that opposes the will or command of God. It is evil, for example, to kill a human being (with exceptions) because God has commanded us not to kill human beings. But an atheist cannot appeal to God as his source. He must, therefore, come up with an objective source of morality. Usually, they appeal to themselves. "This is evil because I don't like it". However, I do not like the fact that I cannot fly, it doesn't switch off gravity. Therefore, appealing to one's own definition of evil is weak, subjective and circular (as well as subject to change). If they appeal to society, which society? If they appeal to government, which government? Can morality change if society or the government change their minds? If current society changes their mind, do they suddenly become evil? By what standard?
In order for evil to exist, God must also exist. Therefore, the so-called problem of evil is more of a problem for those who use it than those who it is usually used against. Imagine if someone got caught speeding, and another person said "if there was a government, that person could not have broken the speed limit!" This would b absurd, would it not? The person was able to break the speed limit because the speed limit exists, and the speed limit exists precisely because the government exists. In the same way, people are able to break moral laws because moral laws exist. But moral laws can only exist if there is a higher authority that man creating them. Otherwise, it's just one opinion against another. Therefore, the existence of evil is a very strong argument for the existence of God.