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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

Consensus and chromosomes: A complete catastrophe

In 1921, Theophilus Shickel Painter analysed the number of chromosomes in a human sperm cell. From this, he concluded that since male sperm cells have 24 chromosomes, human beings must have 48 in total. It was later proven that we actually only have 46, but because of Painter's influence, the scientific community continued to assert the incorrect number. Photographs of chromosomes in textbooks from the time even show, quite clearly, that there are only 23 pairs, yet the captions in those textbooks insisted 24.

The number of chromosomes in a human being can be tested again and again and again, yet even photographic proof wasn't enough to change the scientific consensus for 30 years. Evolution, by contrast, cannot be tested. There isn't a single laboratory in the world that can take pictures of Evolution. There is no such thing as a timeoscope. Why should we take "scientific consensus" as an argument for something which can't be tested when it lead to an outright denial of facts on something which could?

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