The first lie Satan ever told mankind is "you shall be as God" (Genesis 3:5). For 6,000 years, we've been trying (and failing) to achieve this goal by making up our own silly religions. But each and every one of us knows that this just doesn't work. So, many people disguise it. They claim to be Christians, but the moment the Bible disagrees with them, they disagree with the Bible.
If you're really a Christian, it makes sense that you will seek to conform your worldview to the word of God. You take your opinions from the Bible, rather than trying to force your opinions into the Bible. If you try to force your opinions into the Bible, you're not really worshiping God, your god is you. But if your god is you, your religion is as weak as you are.
So what's the point? If you're trying to be your own god, at least admit it. Don't try to appeal to God. He's not going to bow to you. He's given you His word on the matter, if you're going to rebel against that, on your own head be it. But if you truly love God, His word should be the most precious thing in the world to you. You'll take it all, from the bits you love to the bits you thoroughly despise. Don't let Satan trick you into eating from the forbidden tree.