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Don't get burned

Writer: Bible BrianBible Brian

Jeff: Like I said, you’re swimming with sharks.

Russel: You said I’m playing with fire...

Jeff: You are. And the sharks don’t like it!

The above joke from E4 comedy show "Rules of Engagement" is one of many examples of the use of the phrase “playing with fire”, which means that the actions a person is taking will almost certainly end in disaster. Usually, this is a matter of cause and effect. But for Christians, there is a deeper meaning: the risk of temptation.

To give an anecdotal example, let me talk about the crime drama series Dexter. I’ve seen every episode of the show, and until the last season, I was a huge fan. The problem with the show, however, is that it’s not exactly Christian friendly. There is a lot of swearing, and worse, like a lot of modern media, there are sex scenes. Even as Christians, we're still human, and so we often enjoy shows that feature degrees of nudity. So we tell ourselves it’s alright as long as (insert cliche excuse here). But allow me to echo Solomon’s question: Can you take fire to your bosom without burning your clothes?

When it comes to violence, I would say there’s a low risk for most people to be tempted. But swearing is an easy habit to pick up, and a difficult habit to put down. Furthermore, a man seeing too much of the female form will struggle to do so without lust. Job even said he would not so much as look at a young woman (Job 31:1). Furthermore, women are not immune to lust. Thus, even for them, nudity may be problematic.

Because of this, it is vital for us to take special care, not only in what we watch, but also in how we justify it. How would I, in my past, explain why I watched Dexter? Would I want to explain that to God? Would I take that same risk today? Why?

Of course, this goes far beyond the shows we watch. So many things can tempt us to so many sins. But Jesus told us it is better to enter life maimed than to be cast whole into Hell. If losing a limb is a worthy sacrifice to protect us, what isn't? Perhaps we should modify what we watch, what we wear, even who we hang out with. My fellow Christians, do what is necessary to protect yourselves from temptation.



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