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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

Don't judge me because I sin differently than you

Everyone loves the "don't judge" philosophy until they've been on the receiving end of some grievous sin. Nobody likes being judged, but the truth is, judgement is a natural part of living in a sinful world. It is not a sin to judge, and contrary to popular belief, the Bible absolutely does not forbid righteous judgement. Even the often cited Matthew 7:1, "Judge not, that you be not judged", continues to explain exactly how we are to judge people without hypocrisy, even concluding with the decidedly judgemental term "Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine" (Matthew 7:6a).

Obviously, as a Christian, I believe you are a sinner. I also believe I am a sinner. No one who has ever lived, save Jesus, is totally without sin. As a result, none of us really have the right to judge. Even an actual judge is a sinner. Ironically, there is even a strong possibility of a criminal being called upon for jury service. So who are we to judge other sinners? "Don't judge me because I sin differently than you" is a popular phrase among certain Liberal Christians. But in truth, though we are all sinners, judging each other has its place. The type of judgement really matters.

When we judge, why do we judge? More often than not, it's out of anger. "I don't like what you're doing, therefore I don't like you." But did you know it is entirely possible to judge someone out of love? If your loved one is doing something dangerous to themselves, or to others, it is actually unloving not to judge them. And if they respond to that as if it was hate, quite frankly, they're being stupid.

Even more foolish are those who think it is immoral to judge an action. Aside from the irony (those who say "don't judge" are, by definition, judging you), an action is not a person. It doesn't have feelings, or value. Saying X is a sin is just a statement of fact. We're not even judging a person. I can say video piracy is a crime, that's not judging you, though you can judge yourself by that if it turns out you have pirated a video. In the same way, describing sin as sin is just a statement of fact. If it's a sin you participate in, or approve of, you can judge yourself, but a Christian describing a sinful action as sin is not judging you.

In truth, judgement is loving, because it is not us you will face on judgement day. When your life is over, you will not stand before a fellow sinner, but the Holy Creator of our reality. He has the absolute right to judge you, He is perfectly qualified to judge you, and He will appropriately judge you. The punishment for sin is not something any Christian, or indeed any living being should want you to experience. When a sinner goes to Hell, that is a justified thing, but it is not a good thing. It is a horrible thing. And God, while He is essentially forced to do it to the impenitent, does not like it.

So He came up with a solution. If an innocent being, namely Jesus, takes the punishment for sin, then sinners get to be rewarded for Christ's righteousness. So that's what He did. Everyone who professes faith in the risen Lord will be spared the penalty for sin. When a Christian judges, that is what our goal should be. And here at Bible Brain, that is what our goal is. Come to Christ in faith, not because we hate you, but because we want you to join us in eternal life.

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