Picture the scenario: a Creationist says a thing could never happen. Say, for example, we say that no mutation will ever create a white crocodile. Well, white crocodiles do exist. It's called albinism, a condition in which the animal lacks the pigmentation required to produce color, resulting in whiteness. This is caused by, you guessed it, mutation.
So what would happen in this instance, do you think? What would the response from Evolutionists be? Well, the white crocodile would become the new emblem of Evolution! They'd never stop squawking about how Creationism had failed and been falsified by its own predictions. Even if you could show that the Creationist in question was wrong to make his prediction, and that the Bible in no way precludes the existence of white crocodiles, the white crocodile argument would persist for the next 100 years.
Evolutionists aren't so chirpy when their own predictions fail, however. Even though this happens often, Evolutionists boast about their predictions as if they were never wrong about anything at any point from before Darwin right up until about 5 minutes ago. But the truth is, Evolutionists have failed so consistently to fulfill their extravagant predictions that the story changes once a week. At this point, even a failed prediction is claimed as proof that Evolution did happen, but worked differently than expected. So, Evolution is true when the evidence seems to support it, and Evolution is true in a different way when the evidence seems to refute it.
An example would be when Haldane predicted that Evolution could never produce either a magnet or a wheel because both of these would be useless until fairly perfect. This makes sense. Darwin himself predicted that if anything could be found in nature that could not possibly have been formed gradually (which, let's be honest, we now know covers almost everything found in nature), his theory would break down.
So Haldane was right. Evolution could not produce a magnet. And yet, what we find in nature is large numbers of creatures which use the earth's magnetic field for navigation and orientation, including cows, birds, bats, salmon, turtles, and a range of other creatures. Thus, Evolution has been falsified, at least by Haldane's criterion.
But oh no, this doesn't falsify Evolution. Apparently, this simply proves Evolution is more magnificent than we could have imagined. Again, imagine if a Creationist did the same thing. Imagine if we made such a prediction, and were proven so embarrassingly wrong. What would the Evolutionist response be? Screaming from the rooftops. It would find its way into every nature documentary, it would be on every news channel, it would be in every textbook, if an Evolutionist made a presentation attempting to refute Creationism, it would be there. You would never hear the end of it. So why do we never hear of the many failed predictions of Evolution?
But there is one religion that can boast of a 100% success rate when it comes to predictions. The number decreases when we include non-canonical (i.e. made by a Christian, or similar religion) predictions, but sticking entirely to the Bible, God has never made a mistake. If predictive power is what you seek, Christianity is what you'll find.
But of course, this isn't a desirable answer. An atheist wants to find Jesus as much as a herpetophobe wants to find a 6ft white crocodile in their bathroom. Why? Because Jesus came with a very uncomfortable message: Repent.
Repentance is an "ugly" word. It means you offend God, and need forgiveness in order to avoid eternal condemnation. But it's not all bad news. The good news is that God is more than willing to provide that forgiveness. In fact, so willing is He to forgive you that although you deserve punishment, and a just God must deliver that punishment, God instead punished His own Son, Jesus. Through faith in His Lordship, death and resurrection, forgiveness is freely available, and eternal life is guaranteed.