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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

Evolution's moral paradox

It's no secret that Evolution and morality have a shaky relationship. If Evolution is true, there is no such thing as objective morality. Morality becomes as subjective as ice cream preferences, and the one who is "right" is the one with the biggest gun.

Evolutionists have a number of attempted counters to this, none of which hold up under any amount of pressure. One of their attempts is to claim that morality aided our Evolution in the past, and we must maintain it to keep our Evolution going in the future.

As shown in other articles, this fails to account for the moral views we hold. Self sacrifice, often seen as the most noble of acts, stops our Evolution dead in its tracks, whereas selfishness, near universally condemned, may aid it. But it goes deeper than that. See, not only does Evolution justify some very horrible actions, but Evolutionists also tend to justify some actions that would actively prevent Evolution.

The main moral battleground of our day is sexuality. And one can see how the justification of meaningless sex might fit in with Evolution. Meaningless sex increases the probability of reproduction, and therefore a society that justifies it will be more likely to evolve.

Or will it? Paradoxically, Evolutionists do not stop at defending meaningless sex, but continue to justify abortion and the LGBTQ agenda, neither of which are especially good for Evolution. Gay sex, of course, cannot result in reproduction, and transgenderism involves the mutilation of reproductive parts in such a way as to prevent them from functioning, preventing one's genes from being passed on. Abortion, while it does involve passing on one's genes, kills the gene carrier before it can pass on those genes to the next generation.

Now, Evolution obviously does not explicitly say "thou shalt not have children", or "thou shalt kill the children you have". It is an amoral religion, merely justifying such actions. Nevertheless, because it justifies these actions, and because Evolutionists tend to at the very least approve of them, if not participate directly, Evolution is a self destructive religion.

There is some good news to this tragedy. Because Evolution, and by extension atheism, is such a self destructive philosophy, it will eventually come back down, and will one day be as much a bitter memory of the past as it was an unthinkable blight on the future. For now, however, it continues to run rampant, it continues to spread depravity, and it continues to cause damage to the localities in which it is growing.

Just like the Bible says.

See, unlike what we would expect to see from the genuine folklore of uneducated primitives, the Bible shows great insight into philosophy. Specifically, when God is taken out of the picture, all kinds of unspeakable things fill the void, and it is a big void to fill. Reading what Romans 1 says about those who persistently reject God is like reading a modern newspaper. Rampant sexuality, especially homosexuality, is vividly described, on top of a number of other sins our culture openly celebrates.

But many now understand that it is not worth celebrating. Many hate the bed in which they are now lying, and they resent the fact that they contributed to making it. This is the problem with atheism. Aside from being false in the ultimate sense, it is utterly unsustainable. Sin destroys not only cultures, but ultimately the individual as well. Does God judge society? Sure, when it is collectively responsible for the evils it commits. But ultimately, God judges the individual. When God judges you, He will judge you alone.

How will that turn out for you? Here, you have a choice. You have already committed the crime. But the time has already been served. 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ, the only man without sin, spent three hours on a cross facing the wrath of God in your stead. With your sins paid for, you have a choice. You can reject that offer and pay for them yourself, or you can repent and be saved. Choose wisely, you only have one lifetime, and in this terrifying world, you may not even have until the end of this sentence. Don't waste a single second the Lord, in His mercy, has offered you.

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