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Evolution: The religion and bringer of death

Writer's picture: Bible BrianBible Brian

There is a certain irony to the human experience. On the one hand, we are made in the image of God, yet on the other hand, we are fantastic at imitating Satan. On the one hand, we all at least want to be good, yet somehow, our feet rush to do evil. On the one hand, we recognise the value of life, but so quick are we to celebrate death.

Nowhere is this made more obvious than the religion of Evolution. This is a religion based on death. In the beginning, there was no life, and in the end, it shall be so again. Life itself is an accident, and it is shaped by an endless, yet futile struggle to retain it.

We are the (current) end of that struggle. As we do, our ancestors fought in that struggle, yet as we inevitably will, they lost. To the (temporary) victors went the spoils, until the (temporary) victors themselves were spoiled. In the end, it didn't matter. The lives they lived were forgotten, and at the end of time, the very last memory will perish.

After millions of years of blind, pitiless indifference, we are all under the delusion that we are different. That what we do here actually matters, thou all we are is matter. Our spirits will not live on after we die, yet we live with the spirit of those who will never die. At least, most of us do.

As it happens, not everyone thinks the same way. In Evolution, there are no Holy Scriptures. There are no "thou shalts" and "thou shalt nots". You are the end result of a long and brutal struggle, and that struggle is yours now. So struggle how you will. Wipe out the inferior, if indeed you possess the superiority. As notorious cannibal, Jeffrey Dahmer, put it, "If a person doesn’t think that there is a God to be accountable to, then what’s the point of trying to modify your behaviour to keep it within acceptable ranges? That’s how I thought anyway. I always believed the theory of evolution as truth, that we all just came from the slime. When we died, you know, that was it, there is nothing, and I’ve since come to believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is truly God, and I believe that I, as well as everyone else, will be accountable to Him."

Now find me a man who can prove him wrong. Not on the truth of the Christian faith, but on the implications of the alternative. If we are slime heading to slime, then what value does life hold? What is the purpose in a life of postponing the inevitable? Is this not mere delusion? You may not wish to die, but die you will, and then you will forget that wish. You may wish to live a good life, but when life ends, you will have no way to measure that success.

But how does one measure it even now? By the opinions of our fellow travellers to the grave, whose opinions are equally irrelevant? Who brought nothing into this world, and will bring as much out? Well as they say, one man's meat is another man's poison. Every hero is the villain in another story, and history is written by the victors, which again, will all likewise perish.

Is it any wonder this world is so chaotic? A religion of chaos could never bring order, nor could a religion of death bring life. If you believe in survival of the fittest, then why aid the weak? And if you are the weak, then why not accept your fate a little earlier? If it is a choice you are offered. The history of Evolution is as bloodstained as the myth itself. Bodies have hit the floor, and not even the graves are respected, all in the name of "science".

And how can we blame them? With no God to define morality, we become the gods and define our own. The one who is "right" is the one with the biggest gun. But we do blame them, because while we think we are gods who write our own laws, God has written His laws on our very hearts! When we see the death and destruction wrought by this abominable fairy tale, it sticks in our throats, because while we pretend our lives are destined to end in an everlasting, silent darkness, God has placed eternity on our hearts!

Our instinctive recognition of the value of life, therefore, is neither illusory, nor accidental. We know life is valuable because it is. What we do in this life matters, not because we've simply evolved to believe it, but because we will actually be judged for what we do here.

But we've all done wrong. Flesh has served flesh, and the spirit has followed suit. That's why we have come up with absurd religions like Evolution. We may not like the implications, but consider them worth it to rob our Creator of His authority. Or at least, to give ourselves that illusion. In the end, our blasphemy will backfire, because He has not rescinded judgment, but rather, delayed it.

This delay is designed to give us time to repent. The judgment can be removed, because it has been received by One to whom it was not owed. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, lived a perfect human life, never once straying from the will of God. Thus, He deserved nothing but the best Heaven has to offer. Instead, He received the wrath owed to us. Because of this, we do not have to die, but rather, when the time comes, we can be raised to eternal life in the Kingdom of God. The one criteria is faith. All who confess Jesus as the risen Lord will be raised with Him. The rest will receive a fate worse than Evolution. The religion of death, which has wrought so much death on us even in this life, will bring it all the more in the next. Therefore, listen to your divine instincts. Know that your life is valuable, and it is valuable not only to you, but to God. Repent and be saved.


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