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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

Fun fact: The sky is below your feet

As shown in the diagram in the header image, no matter where you stand on the Earth, the amount of sky below your feet will always be significantly greater than that above your head. In spite of this, it is perfectly normal, and, depending on your definition of the word, perfectly accurate to say the sky is "above" us. This is not an error, nor does it display scientific ignorance. It just simplifies communication. I do not want to imagine a world in which pinpoint accuracy was a requirement for normal speech. Thankfully, there is a tool in every language called the "language of appearance", enabling us to describe things from our perspective, rather than with technical accuracy.

Why is it, then, that when atheists come across things in the Bible, like describing the moon as a light, or like the sun standing still in the sky, they act as if the only way for God to speak to the ancient Jews is with wooden literacy? Can God not use our language to speak to us? Why would we expect God to detract from His actual intended message in order to give us a crash course on astronomy? Especially with regard to the moonlight (and yes, that is a word we still use in our scientifically advanced, highly educated culture), the aim of Genesis is to take attention away from the creation and onto the Creator, not to spend 5 pages explaining the intricate details of every last crater.

If you want an astronomy book, go to a library and pick one up. This is highly encouraged. The Bible tells us the heavens declare the glory of God, so by all means, study the heavens. But the Bible was not designed as an astronomy book. The Bible has a far more important job. According to the book itself, it is for "doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16b-17). The Bible is not a book of astronomy, but of theology. It guides man in the way of truth, leading us to salvation, and paving the way for us to relate to our God.

The problem is, we're not very good at it. Like a computer that won't stop freezing, we constantly rebel against our Creator, refusing to fulfil our purpose. And like any creation that just won't work, God ought to just throw us out to be destroyed. Yet, in His mercy, this is the last thing He wants. Instead, He made us a deal. He sent Jesus to live as a man. Jesus did not sin even once, and yet He still died. He died as our representative. Our sins were laid on Him, and so His righteousness can be given to us. There is one catch. We cannot receive this gift unless we repent, confess Jesus as Lord, and believe He rose from the dead.

Now, we can spend the rest of our lives nitpicking the Bible. "God says the sun is in the sky, God doesn't tell us about meteors, this Bible version has a spelling error", blah blah blah. This is a waste of time. Time we don't have. Life is too short for nitpicking. Eternity, however, is not short. A billion years will pass, and you will not have one second less to spend in your final destination. So where would you prefer to spend it? With God, or without? Don't let moonlight be the reason you make the wrong choice.

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